Digital Minimalism
I'm apart of Leader Books a book club for business leaders and the below book is one we just recently completed. I love to read and I just wanted to share about a book that I just completed. The title of the Book Is Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. In this book, it talks about technology and computers and how it is pulling us away from connections that we have with people because we're always on the phone. We're always looking at those little red notifications that pop up. Wanted to share with you a story that had a big impact
A few weeks ago I had a moment with my 10yr old son that had a profound impact on me as a dad. My son and I were having a dudes night out. On the way to dinner and a movie, he was on his phone playing Fortnite (kids love this game right now). When we got to the restaurant, I finally looked at him and I said, Philip, I'm not fussing at you, but I just want you to understand something about that phone. You're always going to have that phone and really cool and awesome technology.
But you're not always going to have your mom and me because we're going to die, that's just a fact. So put your phone away and spend time with those you love and want to be around. At first, I thought maybe I crossed the line. He just kind of looked at me and slipped his phone into his pocket. That moment with my son made more of an impact on me as a dad because, you know, I was speaking to myself. When I'm spending time with Becky or when I'm spending time with the kids, do I pull my phone out and check email? Do I look at the little red notifications on Facebook?
I have actively taken several steps to pull me away from the black hole of spending a lot of time on the phone and computer. I find myself to be more productive in every area since I have taken 5 action steps to reduce technology in my life on a daily basis.
- No productivity apps on my phone.
- Turned off notifications for email and Facebook
- Use the “screen time” function on my iPhone
- Use an app on my Computer to block social media between 9:30am-3:30pm:
- Use the setting to turn phone screen B&W on the weekend so it is less appealing to look at.
The biggest takeaway for me is to get off of my phone and enjoy the people that are in front of me.